Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sometimes he can be sweet.

I've been sick yesterday and today. The kind where I can't even manage to get out of bed or keep my eyes open. Needless to say, it's been a boring couple of days for J.

This morning, when he got up, he wandered to our bedroom door. Matt happened to still be home so he came upstairs to say hi to him. He took him potty and brought him to lie down in the bed with me.

After getting settled with a show, J leans over and whispers excitedly to me "guess what?". I'm almost sure I mumbled some sort of response. Then, "daddy give me a kiss AND a hug! Daddy still here and give me kiss AND a hug!" Apparently the highlight of the poor child's day is a kiss and hug from daddy to start the day off right. He was mostly so excited because he's not used to seeing Matt in the mornings.

By lunchtime I could barely function, let alone hold a small baby. So I asked Matt to come home and climbed back in bed. J joins me and asks me to play, I tell him no, I'm too sick but daddy will be home soon. He thinks for a second, then says "Daddy comin' home. He give you a kiss and a hug and make you ALL better!" So sweet.

My heart was melting at that point, but it only got better. He climbed off the bed and wandered away. Next thing I know, he reappears with a book. And he says "mommy, I'm gonna read you a story. It's Go Dog Go!" And he proceeded to 'read' me a story.

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