Friday, August 28, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Oh my gosh, what a day! This morning we went to see J's classroom. He was so excited about it. Well, we wake up and it's pouring down rain. Great. So I'm already running a bit late and we finally get to the school.

I had an internal debate about the best way to get both kids inside, while staying dryish. I decided to take O out of his carseat and just carry him, regular style. So I jump out of the car and run around to try and unbuckle him. This crazy, black dog comes out of nowhere! I'm feeling a bit sorry for it, so I reach down to read it's collar and it jumps in my car! I catch a glimpse of it's tag and her name is "Pepper". So I'm talking really sweet to Pepper and she won't get out of the car. She climbs into the driver's seat and curls up in a ball. I run around to that side of the car and open the door. Pepper jumps into the passenger seat. I can't reach her. And no amount of yelling "Pepper, come here!" is working. I run to the other side. Rinse and get the picture. Meanwhile J is yelling from the back "get out of mommy's seat Pepper!" and the baby is screaming.

Somehow I manage to wrangle this dog into my grasp. Only now guilt takes hold. I can't just leave her, right?? So I find the phone number on her tag and call her house. Just my luck, no answer. I leave some sort of crazed message. Again, guilt takes hold. I consider leaving her in my car, but decide I don't know this dog well enough to have her around my babies. So I shove the poor dog out into the rain.

At this point, it's been so long that now people are leaving orientation. They see me let this dog out and assume I brought my dog to orientation. One lady accusingly says "whose dog is this?" I shout from my rain-soaked position, still wrangling a screaming baby out of the car while trying to not drop the umbrella, "I have no idea, but I called the number on the tag".

So 20 minutes, 2 ticked off kids, one really soaked mommy, and a dog smelling car later, we finally make it inside. That part went amazingly well. J enjoyed his classroom and his teacher. I'm just crossing my fingers he doesn't flip out too badly when I actually leave him there.

Then I get back in the car only to realize my jeans are soaked from the dog sitting in my seat. Thanks, Pepper. All I could do was just laugh hysterically.

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