Thursday, August 6, 2009

Some Oldies, but Goodies

One of the reasons I wanted to start a blog was so that I could document the crazy things J does or says. I know that it's so easy to forget the funny things they do when you get bogged down in day to day life. So I thought I'd take a moment to write down some of the funny things he says/used to say on a recurring basis. Here goes...

1. It's too fit! This one is used when something doesn't fit, is too big, too small, etc. Example: I can't sit on that's too fit!

2. It's darkin! This one's obvious, but still hysterical. Used to describe a dark room, dark outside, etc. I have a feeling it comes from Matt and I saying "it's dark in there" but he turned it into one word, used always to describe dark.

3. I got a sticky! The word sticky=hangnail in J's dictionary. It causes loads of confusion when a well meaning grandmother tries to wash his hands after he holds his hands up and proclaims "I got a sticky!"

4. I got a bloody nose! Bloody nose=runny nose. This one comes from a random time he had a bloody nose. Now he thinks any time it runs, it's a bloody nose.

5. I'm still poopin'! We laugh hysterically at this one. He uses it whenever he needs to poop. But it cracks Matt up because it makes it sound like he's never stopped pooping.

6. Do you hear any tinkies? Doesn't really need any explanation, but he says it any time he sits on the potty.

7. I not did! Apparently, I'm the only one who understands this one. Most everyone else thinks he's saying 'I not dead'. This one is used whenever you ask him a question and the answer should be no. Example: 'Did you knock this over?'.....'I not did'

I'm sure there are tons more of these, but these are the only ones I could think of right now.

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