Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Who is Matt?

I think the time has come to stop referring to my husband by his given name. Apparently J has picked up on this. Yesterday we were eating breakfast and he says "where's daddy?". I told him daddy was in the office.

"MATT!" he yells at a deafening pitch.

I inform him that daddy's name is daddy, not Matt. He looks pensive.

"HONEY! Come to kitchen with me, honey!"

Poor Matt is heartbroken, and I'm careful not to call his name anymore.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Toddler Manipulation

Yesterday J had crackers for snack. He had eaten plenty and it was close to dinner time. Here's how our conversation went:

J: Mama, more crackers please.
Me: No, it's too close to dinner and you've already had enough.
J: (at an ear piercing decibel) MAMA, WANT MORE CRACKERS!
Me: J, what did mama say?

[pause...J looks thoughtful]

J: No screaming? (whispers) mama, more crackers.