Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Fire Engines!

J and I went with our playgroup to the Fire Department today. He LOVED it. He kept showing the firemen his little "bire truck". He's been talking about it all day long.

Pointing at the trucks:

Driving the truck:
Standing on the front of the truck (and saying "cheese" with a goofy grin):
He actually put himself in this pose (again, saying "cheese"). Future model? ;)
Running around with his girlfriend, Kaitlyn:
And the best news of all??? He was wearing big boy underwear the whole time! I think we're mostly potty trained. He's been out of diapers for a week now, and we're having a much easier transition than I expected.

Monday, August 18, 2008

The Mom Mobile

Sadly, my camry has seen her final days as a member of the Cadle family. It was time for something with more room and also LATCH. So, I present to you our new car!!

Yes, I'm sure you're wondering what the car actually is. A station wagon? An SUV? A minivan? We're choosing to call it a mini minivan. With third row seating it's great for when all 4 kids are in the car, but it's also small enough for our family of 3. And the best part is it gets great gas mileage!

Here's a picture of "The Baby Factory":

Friday, August 15, 2008

Blackmail shot

Yup, he's stuck. And the first words out of his mouth?

"You aren't going to post these pictures on the internet, are you?"

Yes, as a matter of fact, I am.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Basketball Clubbies

This is the game I was taught today. Apparently it consists of lining up tennis balls and swinging a baseball bat as if it were a golf club, in order to hit the balls as far as possible. The balls can also be kicked from time to time, as in soccer. Ironically, the sport not included in this game is basketball, so I'm not quite sure what possessed him to call this "basketball clubbies". But there ya have it. If you're interested, we're open for lessons, as this is the only thing he likes to play.