1) The egg hunt we attend every year is insane. If you don't act fast, crazy adults will knock you over to help their baby get eggs. The more familiar J is with egg hunts prior to Saturday, the better.
2) Is a bit more complex, and warrants some back story. Matt and I aren't really big on toys. We don't buy many things for either of our children, preferring to use imaginative play (space is also an issue, as each new toy means another one is chosen for the Goodwill pile). This suits both of our boys' personalities as well, as toys don't really get much use over here. Maybe at first will something new be exciting and worthy of J's attention. But for the most part, he's using "old fashioned" toys like blocks, or play kitchens, or pots and pans. Sure, Buzz and Woody get a lot of play. But even the way he plays with them is imaginative. He walks them through the house to go "on a bear hunt", or plays hide and seek with them, or teaches them how to dance. We all enjoy this type of play as it encourages creativity and thinking outside the box.
Today I took the boys over to a friend's house. They have just had a new baby and we were delivering dinner. O sat on the floor while I snuggled the tiny one (new babies are like an addiction. I could hold one for the rest of my life!) Nearby happened to be a collection of toys, specifically the Little People collection. Now, I should mention that my friend has a toy collection for her daughter that would rival Toys R Us'. She is quite the opposite of me when it comes to toys, and it's a running joke between her and me that my kids are deprived of fun. So when I say the Little People collection, I mean the entire collection. Her daughter was kind enough to push the learning zoo playset collection towards Oliver. And then, something happened. He laughed, he squealed with delight, he grabbed the tiger and would not let go. He corralled all 26 of those A-Z collection animals into his lap and picked them each up to laugh at. I cannot even adequately describe the joy he had from those little toys. We already have a few characters at home, but I guess the animal variety is O's choice du jour. When it was time to leave, I panicked a little. Was he going to flip out when I took that coveted little tiger away from him? My only choice was to act quickly. He still wasn't happy, but thankfully was distracted enough that he didn't cry.
On the way home, we stopped at Target. According to my friend Target sells holiday themed Little People. I should have known that, as it now occurs to me that one of J's most favorite toys ever is the Reindeer/Santa sleigh and Baby Jesus manger that Little People makes (again at our friend's toy store house). Once in Target, I found Little People eggs for hiding. And no, I did not pay that much for them! And also a Little People themed Easter basket. I wish they had had the train as O really loved that at our friend's house as well.
Once home, Matt and I decided tonight was a good night to do our "practice run" hunt.
The kids loved it! And I will admit, Little People toys are fun!
This series of pictures cracks me up because they are fighting over the toys. J was very particular about which ones were for him. For the record (ahem, Matt!) these toys are for up to 4 years old, so they are not too babyish for him. Check out J's angry face!
And look how happy O is to play with his toys.
Looks like there are many more Little People collections in our future.
Fun! I actually think I enjoy Little People more than Theo. I covet the fall themed hayride set. :)
just like kids to go and make us put our feet in our mouth :P We have lots of little people from a yard sale and T never liked them. He plays with the little people house...but with his matchbox cars as the people. Maybe Chase will be my toy boy like O!
I hope the egg hunt goes well!!
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