Thursday, March 18, 2010


Ten differences between Jamers and O-Man, as babies.

1. O is very content to play by himself, James always wanted to be held.

2. James woke up every 2 hours for his first 9 months of life. Ollie slept through the night at 6 weeks old and continues to sleep well, except when sickness/teething throws him off.

3. James was very attached and didn't like other people holding him. However, he was super smiley to strangers and very flirtatious (as long as they didn't try to hold him). Ollie will let other people hold him, but warms up to strangers slowly. Mostly he looks at people like they're insane when they "baby talk" him at stores. He's also very quick to let someone else know when he's ready for mommy or daddy to hold him again.

4. James would eat just about anything and had a special love for veggies. Ollie makes himself throw up if you offer him anything other than yogurt or babyfood-fruit.

5. James was a marathon napper. Ollie naps for 30 minutes at a time.

6. James was very demanding of attention (not in a bad way). Oliver is super laid back and never complains, unless he's sick.

7. James preferred mama, especially when he was tired. Ollie prefers daddy, especially in the middle of the night.

8. James had big sicknesses his first year of life (heart surgery and asthma issues). Oliver has minor sicknesses, but they are never ending. He constantly has a cold and/or eczema issues.

9. James was an easy teether. We never knew when they were coming in. He'd just surprise us. Ollie whines and cries for about two weeks when teeth are coming in (and whining and crying are so rare with him that that is our first sign he's teething).

10. Before he could crawl, James just fussed whenever he wanted to be moved or needed something out of his reach. Oliver somehow drags his body around, while staying in the sitting position.

And there ya have it. Matt and I comment all the time on how they are polar opposites. But in reality, there are a million similarities too. The differences are just more obvious.

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