Thursday, March 11, 2010

Cheeks galore!

So, I've been informed that Buggy's cheeks are always red. Not so. And since I snap about a billion pictures a month, for this Thursday 10, you get the pleasure of 10 pics of the Bug Man. 9 are "redless" and 1 is red, for comparison.

The next 2 I included to show you all how he's starting to try and get into things. He was a good 2 feet away from this table. NO idea how he managed to get here since he remained in the sitting position the whole time and still can't crawl.

In this one, his initial position was facing the camera, in front of that book. He somehow dragged himself over to the entertainment center where he proceeded to yank on the handles. But look how proud he is of himself!

Poor little dude has serious sensitivity issues and eczema. Because of that, if he gets hot or irritated, his cheeks get red. Like this

And that is our little cheeky guy, whose big jowls sometimes droop. Everyone comments on those cheeks. And it's not because they're red. It's because they're so darn irresistible.

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