Thursday, October 15, 2009

A note from the future

Dear Self,

When you spend 30 minutes rocking your baby to sleep, only to have him peek from beneath his eyelids just to make sure you're still there, enjoy the feeling of being so needed. When he fusses at night, only to stop the second you bring him into your bed, smell his baby head and kiss his baby cheek. You will one day miss those moments of cuddling. That baby, the one who grabs your shirt when you dare to try to put him down, holding tight like a lifeline, will one day have a baby of his own. And you will look back fondly on these moments, wondering why you ever needed 2 seconds of free time.

When your toddler follows you around, pulling on your pants-legs, screaming angrily for more snacks, take comfort in the fact that you are one of the most important people to him. If he sobbingly declares that he doesn't want to nap, take a few extra minutes to lie down with him until he's calm. One day instead of him talking your ear off in the car, there will be silence. You will miss the constant jabber of a 3 year old, telling you about his day.

One day your children will be grown and living their own lives. One day you will wonder why they haven't called or visited in a few days. You will worry whether or not they are eating right, getting enough sleep, or driving safely. You will offer your unsolicited advice, only to know deep-down that they are simply smiling and nodding. One day, these children who have occupied every single minute of your time, will be their own people.

Life is short. And time is fleeting. So enjoy what you have now.


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