Thursday, July 30, 2009

Playin' the odds

It's close to dinner time. Matt is just about to cook. James is whining at me that he wants PB&J. I say no, it's too close to dinner time. So he runs off to Matt.

J: Daddy, I have peedut butter jelly?
Daddy: Go ask your mom.
J: Mommy, I have peedut butter jelly?
Me: Daddy is making dinner. Mommy already said no.

J runs off crying.

J: Daddy...mommy say yes I can have peedut butter jelly.
D: Ok, I'll make it in a minute.

J runs back.

J: Mommy, daddy say yes I can have peedut butter jelly.
M: (rolls eyes)

How is it that I can hear what Matt is saying, but he's somehow deaf to my end of the conversation. Looks like kiddo is eating PB&J for dinner. Man, he knows how to work it.

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