Friday, July 24, 2009

Baby Love

When Matt got home from work the other night, O was already asleep. Daddy had some cuddles, but Oliver wasn't aware.

So last night, when Matt got home O was again asleep. He woke up around 9 to eat. While I'm feeding him, Matt sits down on the bed and starts talking to me. Oliver's head moves away in shock. He's straining his head and stretching as far as he can to figure out where Daddy's voice is coming from.

I hand him to Matt and witness the most adorable display ever. He was so excited. Smiling and squawking with glee. Kicking his legs and flapping his arms and "talking" to Matt. It was so amazing to us to realize that our 6 week old, not only understands who Daddy is, but also missed Daddy!

Here's a pic of Daddy and O:

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