Thursday, January 27, 2011

music with mom

Today I had a very hard time deciding which picture to use for my photo a day challenge. I had such a busy day with both kids and there were plenty of pictures to choose from. But in the end, I decided not to use the following pictures for the challenge, because I thought they needed their own post.

Almost a year ago, I made this post. And now the time has come again to have a special day for moms at J's school. He has been so excited about this all week. Every day he comes home telling me something new. Tuesday he came home telling me that he had made me a special snack for Thursday. I was a bit (ok, a LOT) wary when he told me the special snack was ice cream. But at this stage in his life, I can typically assume he knows what he's talking about when it comes to school.

So I hired a babysitter for Ollie (his very first ever) and made my way to the school this morning. I love seeing portions of his school day. I love it for a lot of reasons, but the biggest one is that sometimes there's this lightbulb moment "aha! That's where he learned that from!"

We started out by going to his Music & Movement class. There we sang a song about driving to Minneapolis (first lightbulb!) and danced around. We also sang a song that including burping (second lightbulb...the fake burping has been driving me nuts!) And then we sang a song that included blowing raspberries (third lightbulb moment).

getting ready to do our music:

Then we were presented with a gift made by our children.

And then we were invited to enjoy a dessert made by our children. Thoughtfully, they labeled each dessert so that we were given the one our child had actually prepared.

It was an hour and a half of one-on-one fun that I thoroughly enjoyed. And I'm so glad I was able to see how J spends parts of his school day.

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