Sunday, February 28, 2010

Mixin' it up!

I've decided to change things a bit. It gets harder and harder to remember to update. And since I really like having this online journal (both so that I can remember and so that the kids will one day be able to read about their childhood), I've been brainstorming some ideas to make myself keep this current. So, starting tomorrow, each week will be a bit similar. It will go a little something like this:

Monday Map: details of our plans for the week.
Tips on Tuesdays: J is chock full of advice lately. What better way to share it with the world ;)
Wordless Wednesdays: I think that's pretty self-explanatory, but just in case, it will solely be a picture or pictures.
Thursday 10: either something funny in 10 words or less or a list of 10 things.
Funny Friday: something funny from 1 or both of the kids.

Additionally, the goal is to stay current with other comments made by J, and one day soon, O.


Sophie said...

So funny that you posted this cause Im doing the same thing for my blog and was just literally coming up with my titles:
My Organizing Monday (for my organizing the house)
Tasty Tuesday (for food recipes and things we've tried)
Wordless Wednesday (same as you ;))
Ten for Thursday (10 things)
Friday Funny (Funny things the kids did/said during the week)
Social Saturday (From any visits or things we did during the week)
Simple Sunday (refection the week past and all we have to be thankful for)

Lauren and Matt said...

LOVE Funny Friday, Sophie! I might steal that one ;)