Saturday, September 26, 2009

Life is a Highway

For Christmas last year we got J a power wheel. It's Lightning McQueen, since CARS is his favorite movie, and this car was a big hit.

I hate to admit it, but we don't take him out in it often enough. Matt and I are both self proclaimed outside haters and seeing as it's Georgia and all, it's typically way too hot to be outside.

So J's driving skills are a little sub-par.

Yesterday we took him outside to "drive" Lightning. As usual, he gets in the car and turns the wheel all the way to the right and presses the gas. This causes the circle effect. Meaning, he drives in a circle around the cul-de-sac. It's kinda nice. We don't have to pay too much attention, unless a real car is coming.

Matt and I are standing there chatting and out of nowhere J comes driving straight for us. Has to be coincidence, right? Afterall, he doesn't know how to steer. But no, he aims for us again. I have to move quickly since I'm holding the baby. Meanwhile J is laughing maniacally.

I stand in the yard. It's safe there.

J: mommy come stand in the street!
Me: Why, so you can try to run me over again?
J: Yup!
Daddy: at least he's honest.

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