Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Anti-Toddler Diet

Yes, this is a typical lunch for my child. It's grape tomatoes and blackberries. He will clear the entire plate, and then ask for more. It's really perplexing. I mean, I know plenty of adults that don't eat tomatoes (myself included) and blackberries. But aren't toddler diets supposed to consist of chicken nuggets and cheese?

J, he won't touch meat with a ten foot pole, but plop down a bowl of black olives and he's good to go. He actually woke up from nap one day and demanded broccoli. He looooves broccoli...seriously, can't get enough. Other favorites: red pepper hummus, any type of fruit, yogurt, and black beans. That's pretty much his entire diet.

To make him seem a bit more normal, I've also included a picture of his breakfast from this past weekend. It's a banana pancake in the shape of a Blue's Clues paw print (isn't daddy so thoughtful and fun??)

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