He was miserable, clingy, whiny, tired, grumpy....you name it, that was him. He spent the nights in our bed (or maybe is still in our bed....he's not well enough for me to determine whether or not it's changed his sleep patterns yet). And so, his naps have gone out the window too. I've learned 2 very important things during this week of holding him while he sleeps.
1. He snores like an old man! That kid has some serious noises coming out of him. I'm not quite sure how he doesn't wake himself up.
2. My 4 year old is much more resourceful than I had given him credit for. After holding a napping Buggy for 2 hours (after he had already slept 2 hours) I came downstairs to find J playing nicely in the family room floor. When I went to throw something away, I found 4 go-gurt wrappers in the trash.
Oh my! You've gotten so big that you opened these wrappers yourself!
No, actually. I couldn't open them. I jus' got the scissors out. But I didn't cut off my fingers!
Well, there's that at least.
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