It started out routinely enough. He runs around the office, giving me near palpitations at how many germ-infested things he touches, and I try to pretend he's not actually touching anything.
Then we get escorted back to our room, where the nurse proceeds to torture him by taking his temperature and checking his height. Oh, and he's also naked (other than a diaper) which is the equivalent of his worst nightmare (more on that in another post). Nurse-Helpful reaches to take him from my arms so that she can weigh him in another room. He turns his head, burying it into my shoulder, and gives me a look like "is this lady for real? She wants to hold me after taking my temperature?!?"
So I carry him to be weighed, where again, he melts into hysterical sobs when I put him down. A clown hangs above the scale. Nurse-Helpful tries to show him this. Seriously? A clown? Who on earth thinks clowns are fun? Ollie takes after his father and cries harder.
I manage to calm him again when Nurse-Helpful leaves. For the record, she only ever appears for the initial weigh-ins at well visits and to give shots...perhaps that's why neither of my kids like her. They much prefer the Sick-Nurse, who knows us by name and always remembers quirky things about both of my boys. In fact, Sick-Nurse popped in to say hello and ask where big brother was that day (thankfully at school).
Long story short, Height: 34 3/4 inches (95 %). Weight: 31 lbs., 3 oz. (95%). Head circumference: off the charts. Vaccinations: 2. Tears: Many.
When I mentioned his big head, the pediatrician said "It's not big. It fits right in with the rest of him." And that's why I love her. She's so wonderful and fantastically on top of things with how behind we are on shots. She always knows exactly when he can and can't have another vaccine without me even having to tell her. She was so happy with how far he's come with his sensory issues and his walking. She was also glad to see his ear tubes in place. That has been the best decision! With all the sicknesses miraculously gone, he's made huge progress and is healthy for the first time in a long time.
Pre-shots and before he was aware there was something to be fearful of (sorry for the crappy cell-phone quality pics):

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