J has been busy outside. I can't keep that boy away from the back door. He is constantly asking to play outside. Outside is not my forte, so Matt built a playground in the backyard for the boys. This way we no longer have to go on walks or drive to the park, unless we want to. I'm quite certain my need to keep the kitchen floor clean will have to take a backseat to outdoor fun this summer. Between the dirt tracked in by little feet and a puppy attacking the broom and mop, I think dirt is in our future. On the plus side, J now has something to do while Bug Man takes a nap. We also have some great plans for a picnic table, a rocker-swing, a covered patio, a sandbox, and water table. I hope to make the backyard a "haven" for both of us and the kids. This is how our weekends will be spent until the project is completed.
O is now 10 months old. How did that happen? He's still just as snuggly as ever. And social. Boy is he social!

We finally got his 9 month appointment in. It kept getting delayed due to the never ending ear infection. He weighs 27 lbs. and is 29 1/2 in. Believe it or not, he's actually dropped on the charts, which I'm not surprised by, considering he never eats.
I talked with the doctor about some of his problems. To sum it up, he doesn't eat unless it's runny. He will throw up anything with a texture. Even though he's very interested in what we're eating, he will not eat it once we offer it to him. He does not roll over. He hasn't really mastered the pincer grasp. He does not try to pull up and can't pull up. Getting him to stand on his feet is like pulling teeth, and he collapses his legs as quickly as possible. He won't stay on his tummy (puts himself into a sit instead) and therefore cannot crawl. He does this weird thing where he tenses his arms, keeps his hands near his chest and repeatedly does the "milk" sign. While he does that, his legs are stick straight and his feet turn in circles at the ankle. He does this a LOT.
The pediatrician said he probably has a very mild sensory integration issue. However, she's not overly concerned about it just yet, since he's still in the "normal" range. And yes, not crawling is still normal up to 11 months. She wants to keep her eye on it. If he's still doing all of these things at his 12 month appointment, she thinks he could really benefit from some physical therapy, and likely some food therapy as well. In the meantime, I'm supposed to practice my own form of physical therapy by teaching him to use the stairs. She thinks this will help with the motor issues. He does not have any muscle tone issues. In fact, she was very impressed with how strong he was. She thinks most of his issue may be laziness. Which should resolve itself by 12 months, but if not, OT will still help with that.
And, the puppy. Well, I think this speaks for itself in terms of how I spend my days...
Haha omg that last picture cracks me up!! I remember when we first got my dog (like back when I was in grade 6) we had bought a gate like that too and he chewed through it all the time! lol
I love the pic of James helping build the playset! I have been BEGGING Jaime to get one for the boys for this summer, I think he might be cracking if we get it as Lincs birthday gift! I feel ya on the dirt... I thinks summer + 2 boys (sometimes 3 here) is gonna be full of dirt in our homes!
a) how do you survive with two active boys and a PUPPY????
b)I'm so glad you aren't stressing over Oliver's quirks; kids are weird...all of them! My niece never did crawl. She would put herself into a sitting position and then scoot her butt across the floor instead and then one day after her first birthday, she just got up and walked. She also had a fascination with her belly button and couldn't go to sleep unless she could play with it. Now, at 9, she's a perfectly average kid and a stellar runner (she can run a 6:49 mile!!) And my Travis refused to eat meat until he was 18mo because of the texture. In fact, he basically survived on Earth's Best cinnamon sugar oatmeal.
c)I am so jealous of your backyard!!! It's going to be a great summer for you- even with the dirt! If you need some picnic table plans, check out www.knockoffwood.blogspot.com . She's got a lot of great do-it-yourself plans for things from PB, Crate and Barrel, Land of Nod, and PBKids.
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