Our little O is 2 months old :( As I type this, he is taking a nap in his big boy crib. I cannot believe my youngest little guy is 2 months old! It has flown by.
I get weekly emails from babycenter detailing what my baby should be doing in the coming week. This morning, when I checked my in-box, instead of the "your baby is x weeks old" email, I was surprised to find "your baby is 2 MONTHS old"! I was shocked. Sure, I know he's 2 months old, but it just seems so grown up that they switched from counting weeks, to counting months.
I have always loved newborn babies, and I swore that this time I'd treasure every single second. But somehow I found myself wishing he'd get just a bit older. Poor little guy loves being held every second of the day and I keep thinking "if we can only get to 6 months old, this will be easier". And now, here we are a third of a way to that goal and I'm so sad. Where did the time go??
So, here's some information on my 2 month old. He loves daddy. Matt admitted to me that he was worried about that. He was afraid nursing would make the baby too attached to me, and not interested in him. But that's not the case. He loves daddy. His eyes light up when he sees daddy and he's full of smiles.
He loves big brother. Whenever he catches a glimpse of J his arms and legs start kicking wildly, he starts "talking" non-stop, and he's close to giggles.
He loves mommy. He will stop crying the second I hold him and will be calm and content as long as he's in my arms. Admittedly, I sometimes wonder if his love for me is solely based on his need for nursing. But either way, I'll take it :)
Basically, our little guy is just full of love.
He's sleeping 6-10 hour stretches at night (ok, ok...he only slept 10 hours once, but it still sounds impressive if I throw that number in there), still has his dark hair, sleeps in his swing (shh, don't tell our pediatrician), and is somehow napping like a pro! I've got my fingers crossed that this time we'll have a better sleeper.
Not sure on his height, but I am guessing 22ish inches. And our best weight guess is 14 pounds. We need to go stand on a scale an subtract our weight for more accurate results though.
So, Happy 2 month birthday, Oliver. Mommy, Daddy, and big brother are so blessed to have you in our lives.
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