My dear sweet boy,
I'm sitting here on the couch after a fun-filled third birthday with you. And as you sleep upstairs, I sit here in the calm and quiet and think back to 3 years ago today.
It was the best and worst day of my life.
The early morning hours of October 8, 2006 brought us to the hospital. When we arrived, the labor and delivery parking spots were full. Instead, we parked in a cardiac spot. I said to your father "what if someone with a heart problem needs this spot?" and he replied "we won't need it for long". I think back on that simple moment often. It passed with nary a thought. But now, it seems somehow important, somehow like fate.
You joined our lives at 1:25 pm, all 8 pounds 6 ounces and 21.5 inches of you. You had a head full of dark hair, big blue eyes, and a piercing gaze. You were perfect. And we were instantly in love. We enjoyed you only briefly before sharing you with our families who were anxious to meet you. I was the happiest I'd ever been. Life couldn't have gotten any better.
And then, that evening, in the middle of
Desperate Housewives, we got the news that would change our lives. Our world crumpled when they told us that your heart was special. Daddy wheeled me down to see you before they rushed you to the Children's Hospital. I stroked your hair, kissed your cheek, and told you I loved you.
We were scared. We had no idea what the future would hold. It seemed more than we could handle, more than anyone should have to handle.
But now, here we are 3 years later. Our prayers have been answered in the most amazing way. You are happy. You are healthy. You are perfect. I am constantly amazed at how intelligent you are. Every day you are learning new things and seeing the world in a new light. You have given us joy, laughter, sorrow, and unconditional love. You are the reason we became a family. You gave us a reason to stay strong and to learn patience. And by testing our faith, you brought us closer as a family.
On this, your third birthday, I would like to tell you how grateful I am that you have taught me such valuable life lessons.
I will love you, forever and always,